Tuesday, May 3, 2022

DITL | Spring 2022

I realized I haven't done a Day In The Life post since fall, so it was time.
Last Thursday woke up about 6:30, fed Lola, & started getting ready before I decided to do this.

Cullyn was already up, dressed, & making himself breakfast.  {I love this about him!}  I had to pry Jordyn out of bed.  We all got ourselves together, Cullyn took Lola outside, and I made an energy drink for the road.  Loaded down with a work bag, a softball bag, and our winter gear {when will it ever end!} we headed out {on time -- boom!} to town.  I dropped the kids off at 7:57 and made it to work before 8. :)

I worded, at breakfast about 9:30, and continued working until about 1.  I ate a quick lunch at my desk and got back to work since I had to pick the kids up from school @ 3:15.  

Jordyn had a haircut scheduled for 3:30 and Monica added tinsel to her hair {is this a thing where you live, too?}  Her hair appointment went super quick, so we had time to run home for a bit.  Jordyn changed for softball, Cullyn let Lola out again, and I unloaded the dishwasher and packed some snacks for the game.

On the way back into town we saw the food truck, so I ordered a pizza to be picked up after the game.  Softball pictures started at 5 and her game started at 6.

We froze our butts off {it was SO windy, but better than the  weather at Cullyn's game the night before} but it was worth it because I got to see my niece & great nephew at the game} and Jordyn's RBI won the game.

Cullyn stayed at watched the next game {code for played at the playground with his friends} and Brooke brought him home later.  Jordyn, Adam, & I grabbed the pizza and headed home.  It was 8p, so we ate, showered, read, did homework, and called it a night about 9:15.

And that's a pretty accurate description of our spring.  Baseball and softball 4 nights a week.  We're winging dinner, doing homework in the 11th hour, and crawling into bed exhausted. :)

Previous DITLs

July 2013 | Maternity Leave
March 2014 | Friday
January 2015 | Friday
May 2015 | Workday {Monday}
July 2015 | Workday {Wednesday}
November 2015 | Working from home
May 2016 | Hour by hour
February 2018 | Monday 
January 2020 | Sick Kid
September 2020 | Saturday 
November 2020 | Quarantine Edition
January 2021 | Typical Tuesday
February 2021 | Wednesday
April 2021 | Thursday
May 2021 | Friday
Fall 2021 | Monday

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