Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015 | Dreams

2014 was awesome, but I want 2015 to be even better.  I want to give my husband and kids more of my time.  Take less time on the things/relationships that don't really matter.  Call my grandparents more.  More time at home.  Less time running around.  Not to be confused with less time running, because I'm hoping to spend more time running in 2015 than ever before! :)  Less phone time.  More time learning to cook.  Less 'waste' {plastic bags, napkins, food, etc.}   The list goes on and on... 

Goal::Post a recap & photo of my kids each week

Goal::Pay it forward once a month

Goal::Adam's car, & credit card debt
Monthly Goal:buy less 'stuff'

Goal::Run a marathon
Weekly Goal:Go to the gym 4-5 times 
Daily Goal:Track food & drink 100oz. of water
Summer Goal:Bike 100 miles {w/ the kids in the carrier}

Condo::Repaint our bedroom & fix the curtains in the living room
Lakehouse::Install trim around the windows

Goal::Take each kid on a {individual} date once a month
Weekly Goal this Summer:Explore every park in town

Goal::Have a date night at least once a month

Goal:: Finish my website!
Monthly Goals:Take a nature photo monthly to help develop my skills.
Personal Goal:Organize and upload photos of the kids each month.

Goal::Take a family vacation {location TBD}
Planned Trips:Ski trip w/ Adam in February & lake trip w/ Adam in August

201020112012, 2013, and 2014 resolutions and Bucket List

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