Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Finally, a year that I actually accomplished my resolutions {with the exception of the half marathon, which I am SO doing this year!}  This year is going to be tough financially, we have two kids in daycare {obviously} and both of my sisters are having {destination!} weddings, as well as 3 of my cousins getting married, so I'm trying really, really hard to keep our daily spending in check.  Less dinners out, less 'stuff' that we end up throwing away a year later, and more planned purchases.  With that being said, I also really, really want to be more intentional about family time; a monthly date with my husband, a weekly date with my kids, and more 'paying it forward'.

Goal::Pay it forward once a month

Goal::Pay off credit card & medical bills
Monthly Goal:Follow Dave Ramsey to stay on budget & buy less 'stuff'

Goal::Run a 1/2 marathon
Weekly Goal:Go to the gym 4-5 times 
Daily Goal:Track food & drink 100oz. of water
Summer Goal:Bike 100 miles with the kids in the carrier

Goal::Install trim around the windows & finish the siding at the lake house

Goal::Make Friday mornings about them & take each kid on an individual date once a month
Weekly Goal this Summer:Explore a new park in town

Goal::Have a date night at least once a month

Goal:: Grow my photography business through Wedding and Senior photography
Monthly Goals:Take a nature photo monthly to help develop my skills.
Personal Goal:Organize and upload photos of the kids each month 

Goal::Take a vacation with the kids & a 5 year anniversary vacation with Adam
Planned Trips:Florida in July, Mexico in July, Mexico in September

201020112012, and 2013 resolutions and Bucket List

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