Thursday, February 4, 2016

January Dates + Deeds | 2016

I've had so much fun on our monthly Dates & Deeds in 2015, that I'm continuing it.
Adam | Earlier this month friends invited us to a Drake Basketball game, which we had never done before.  We had a catered meal ahead of time followed by a close game of basketball.  Last Saturday, my sister and bil offered to watch our kids so Adam and I could attend the ASEDJ Christmas Party.  My niece stopped by and curled my hair and we ended up having so much more fun than we ever expected! Drinks, dinner, dancing & catching up with old friends.  There was also a Friday night earlier in the month that we put the kids to bed and watched a movie while snacking on a charcuterie plate. 

Jordyn | I took Jordyn to one of her favorite spots...Tropical Smoothie Cafe.  She is so adorable when she's there.  She usually asks for a different kind each time, and grabs a table like it's her second home. After smoothies, we went to the library to read, play with Legos, and check out books.  When we were there she ran up to a truck book and said she had to get it for Cullyn because she just knew he would love it. So sweet!! 
Cullyn | Cullyn got the first date of the year and he was so excited about it!  I took him to the play time and story hour that our church facilitates on Wednesday mornings. His highlight was definitely playing with the fireman dress up outfit.  He asked to go the the 'fireworks'  for days after that. I know I've said it before, but one on one time with Cullyn is so special to me, because he acts like a completely different boy. 

Family | January was an excellent month for Family Dates!  We spent tons of time hanging out and getting settled in our new house, but when we weren't doing that, we went Ice Skating downtown, Skiing in Boone, and Rock Climbing.

Kids | One Tuesday morning, we snuck out for donuts before daycare.  There was also the Thursday night that I took them to Chick-Fil-A while Adam was addressing the gas leak at our house. 

Me | I had a girls night with the Dance Moms which was a first.  We went to Fong's pizza and had dinner and drinks.  It was such a fun night!  I can't wait to do this monthly!

This month we made breakfast meals for locals in need.  Each year on MLK day, my work asks for employees to bring in frozen breakfast casseroles to fill the food bank, so the kids and I participated. 

This month a friend surprised me with a random act of kindness.  She knew I adored her Kate Spade earrings and bought me with a pair of these one day...

I'm still looking for a unique deed/random act of kindness ideas for February...does anyone have any suggestions?

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