Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fall Decor 2021


This post has been sitting in drafts forever!  I'm not sure why I never hit publish.  Maybe a little PTSD from when a Target sent every single item I ordered in separate boxes!  Or course we were out of town when they all arrived.  We had friends helping with the mail and such around the house and they kept asking me if I wanted them to hide anything, I was like no, why?!  When I got home I realized why, they were trying to save my marriage -- haha!  

Nothing is linked because a ton of it is old, but all of my cute signs came from my super talented sister and some of the new décor {anything not pictured in the above left photo} came from Target this year.

By the way, allllll of those boxes arrived and this is the stuff that was actually in them.
They seriously sent ONE item per box.  What the heck?!


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