Tuesday, August 18, 2020

This & That

Did this:
Recovered from an epic vacation! *details coming!
Got power back at the house
Read Maybe Now by Colleen Hoover
Sent the kids to Greenville with my parents to visit my sister & brother in law
Went to a State Fair Party
Turned 34
Enjoyed shopping and sushi at The District with friends
Got a surprise birthday gift from Adam -- the band to my wedding ring!
Read White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
Washed my car -- inside & out
Got ready for church & realized I was going to be 30 minutes late, so I skipped {sigh}
Read Beach Read by Emily Henry
Found out Adam was exposed to COVID
Read The Wives by Taryn Fisher
Purged the kids' rooms
Watched Hamilton
Started watching The Last Dance {episodes 1 & 2}

Ate that:
M: Gas station junk food -- ugh!
T: Baked Ziti at Burger Night {thanks Brooke!}
W: Adam grilled us steak and twice baked potatoes, the kids had spaghetti
T: Homemade pizza {thanks sis!}
F: Pork chop on a stick, corn on the cob, and a cup of cookies @ the State Fair Party
S: A party platter of Sushi  & some unagi nigri 
S: Adam made wings and he made me nachos with the leftover spaghetti hamburger 

*We were on vacation, then came home to no power, we didn't have groceries, and then left town for the weekend, so 'meals' were pretty hit and miss.

Scheduled this:
T: Prime Purchases
F: State Fair Party details

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