Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Eating Habits

 I saw this idea on Sarah's blog and love hearing what other people eat, so I decided to do my own.


Growing up I never ate breakfast.  My mom always tried to get us to eat breakfast, but I just wan't hungry.  Maybe some toast once in a while, but that's about it.  On the weekends growing up we would have donuts, apple cinnamon muffins, or cinnamon rolls.

After I got married I started to take breakfast more seriously, but I went to work early, so it was often a granola bar or protein bar.  Nothing too exciting.  On the weekends Adam often made egg scrambles {eggs, shaved meat, mushrooms, shredded cheese, sometimes potatoes}.  We still do this about once a weekend.  They are my most favorite breakfast food!  Since having kids I often eat eggs.    

Common breakfast: *always served with a cold can of Mtn. Dew 

  • scrambled eggs w/ ham, cheese, & mushrooms {easy to make 2 days worth at one time}
  • peanut butter toast {oldie but a goodie!} *crunchy pb obviously! ;)
  • hard egg w/ ham and swiss cheese on a lightly toasted piece of bread

More rare:

  • hard egg w/ ham and swiss cheese on a croissant {fav!} or mini bagel
  • Casey's ham or bacon breakfast pizza -- the absolute best, but again soo many calories!
  • If we're at a restaurant I always order the hashbrowns with American cheese -- so, so good!

Kids favorite breakfasts:

  • mini chocolate chip muffins with a Danimals yogurt
  • cereal {cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms} with fruit
  • mini bagel with pb or butter and an applesauce pouch or fruit strip
  • pancakes with chocolate chips {J} or Skittles {C} when they're with Adam's parents

I get an hour lunch break, but often eat leftover or something super quick so I can let Lola out and do a chore or two around the house {fold laundry, unload dishwasher, etc.} or run an errand {post office, grocery store, etc.} *A perk of living in a small town for sure!

Current standbys:

  • leftovers if we have them (I'm new to eating leftovers, but getting better.  I'll eat leftover lasagna, pizza, pulled pork, chicken & rice, etc.)
  • ham or turkey sandwich (preferred with bacon, cheese, and a fresh bun or croissant)
  • peanut butter toast
  • some kind of quick freezer food -- chicken cordon bleu, chicken sandwich, hot pocket, etc.
  • eggs
  • tuna packet + Ritz crackers

More rare:

  • pork tenderloin from the local ice cream shop
  • pizza from Casey's
  • a sub from Subway


  • cashews
  • string cheese + Wheat Thins
  • The Laughing Cow cheese wedge + Ritz crackers
  • popcorn
  • mini Hershey's with milk chocolate and almonds or toffee


Dinner usually happens after Adam's gets home from work {if he's going to get home at a decent time--before 8} otherwise I just make something for the kids and I and he reheats it when he gets home.  It's usually something like this...
    Monday - We grab something quick/eat leftovers from the weekend.
    Tuesday - We always go to our friend's house for dinner
*Cullyn has practice this night out of town, so I usually grocery shop on this night and we pick something to contribute to the meal
    Wednesday - I try to cook something w/ the fresh chicken
    Thursday - I try to cook something again w/ the fresh beef or pork
    Friday - We usually order pizza {pre COVID Adam and I went on dates}
    Saturday - Adam cooks -- often smokes or grills something
    Sunday - Adam cooks

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