Monday, August 17, 2020

Mama's New Ride!

We finally caved and traded in the Malibu {pronounced Malibooty if you're fancy like us ;) for a bigger car.  At some point we just couldn't continue to pile 4-5 kids into the backseat of a tiny car any more.  We might live in a small town, but I would prefer not to get arrested for having too many carpool kids.  

Adam and I agonized about this purchase for years, yes years!  I wanted another minivan, I really missed my minivan.  However, since we live in the middle of nowhere and the roads out here are terrible, we decided to have Adam take over the Jeep and I would bite the bullet at get a large SUV to haul all the kids all the places.  Since I've always thought Tahoe's are beautiful, we went for it.

I really wanted to pay cash for our next vehicle, however since Tahoe's cost a million dollars, we financed it. :(  That being said, I plan to drive this bad boy for 10+ years.  It drives like a dream!  And because I get asked all the time, 17.5 mpg.  Which isn't terrible.

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