Thursday, February 26, 2015

February | Dates + Deeds


Adam | We celebrated Valentine's.  But my most favorite date this month, was the night my mother in law took the kids for the night and we enjoyed fondue with our lake friends.  We are so blessed to have family that asks to take our kids.  And while I sometimes dread letting them go, I know this is a blessing to everyone.  The kids always have a great time and it gives Adam and I a chance to reconnect.  I promise, this is not something we take for granted!
Me | I actually snuck a girls night in this month!  It was quick, but it was better than nothing!  After I tucked Cullyn into bed, I kissed Jordyn & Adam goodbye and headed to the movies with my sister and best friend.  We went to the 9p showing of 50 Shades of Grey at the new theatre, Flix.  This was my first experience at the theatre and I would totally go back. The increased prices were justifiable for the service.  I'll never turn down the chance to have dinner and drinks during a movie. :)
Jordyn | Right before the hospitalization, I snuck Jordy on a date to the Des Moines Art Center for an Art Class.  They read a story {Brown Bear, Brown Bear}, talked about colors, made monochromatic art.  I was so proud of her, at the end of class, the kids took turns walking to the front of the class to show the other kids their project.  Although it made her uncomfortable, she walked up there and shared her project.  I'm so proud of her and love watching her in her element! :)
Cullyn | Well I still didn't get Cullyn on an amazing date this month, but we did manage to get to McDonald's Playplace for a chocolate shake while Adam took sissy to Sports Class.  My favorite thing about solo time with Cullyn is the way he holds my hand when I let him walk around.  We're usually in a rush and I carry him in and out of the car, but I always make it a point to let him walk himself {what he always wants!} when we're on dates and it makes him the happiest boy in the world.  He takes the least direct path and always stops to kick the snow {or dirt} piles, but he has fun and that's what matters.  I love that this boy makes me slow down and enjoy the little things.  Like ice cream shakes during the Iowa winter.  I love you Cully--keep making your own path!
We also had another solo grocery trip where he was quite thrilled to push his own cart--I distinctly remember the first time Jorydn got to push a little cart like that, she was about the same age. :)

This month I handed out hand, feet, & body warmers & snacks to the homeless. This wasn't a lot of money {in fact, I already had everything in my car anyways--I like to keep these things on hand during the brutal Iowa winters--just in case} but it made me feel good to give someone something they really didn't have.  I take for granted the fact that I can fill my stomach when I'm hungry or crank the heat up when I'm cold, but many of the homeless people around my office don't have that opportunity.  And it's been cold around here this month!  So just seeing their face light up brought tears to my eyes.  All I could think was that I pray if either of my children are in the same spot someday, that someone will do the same for them. 

Did you do any dates or RAoK this month?  If so, share below...I love new ideas! :)

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