How far along: 35w
Total weight gain: 15lbs.?
Size of the baby: similar to a honeydew
Sex: BOY!! :):)
Sex: BOY!! :):)
Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: Not great...lots of potty breaks and flipping from side to side. I'm tired a lot, but not able to sleep most of the time.
Best moment(s) of the week: Hitting the 35/35 mark! {35 weeks along with 35 days left!}
Movement: Daily. When he does kick it's more like a full fighting match! Much more than I ever had with Jordyn!
Food cravings/aversions: Gestational Diabetes really takes most of my cravings away. I do like to have no sugar added ice cream if my numbers are low enough.
Symptoms: Heartburn/acid and lots of pelvic pain. {still seeing the chiropractor weekly}
Belly button in or out: Flat
What I'm looking forward to: {Still} Hoping getting some maternity photos taken. The weather hasn't been cooperating, so I may have to ditch my dream of family maternity photos and just get some individuals of me and the bump before he's here!