How far along: 34w
Total weight gain: 14lbs.
Size of the baby: similar to a cantaloupe
Sex: BOY!! :):)
Sex: BOY!! :):)
Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: Not good! Mainly because Jordyn didn't sleep well Friday-Wednesday. We finally figured out that baby girl has her first ear infection. double actually. We all slept well last night!
Best moment(s) of the week: Washing and hanging all of Baby Boy's clothes and getting the crib ready!! :)
Movement: Daily, more at night. Much more than I ever had with Jordyn!
Food cravings/aversions: I've been pretty hungry this week, but nothing in particular.
Symptoms: Heartburn/acid is back and lots of pelvic pain.
Belly button in or out: pretty much flat
What I'm looking forward to: Hopefully getting some maternity photos taken. The weather hasn't been cooperating, so I may have to ditch my dream of family maternity photos and just get some individuals of me and the bump before he's here!