Thursday, February 14, 2013

H2 | 30 Weeks

How far along: 29w

Total weight gain: 14 pounds {down 5 from last week -- I can only assume it's the new eating habits}

Size of the baby: size of a head of cabbage

Sex: BOY!! :):)

Maternity clothes: Yes!

Sleep: Better {again, since I've started eating differently}

Best moment(s) of the week: To be honest this week has been tough {emotionally}.  I wasn't mentally prepared to completely change my eating habits.  But if I'm being completely honest it's been a good change for us {no matter how much I hate it} So worth it!

Movement: Daily {less since I cut carbs & sugar}

Food cravings/aversions: Ugh...let's not even talk food!  All.things.dessert sound AMAZING!

Symptoms: leg {& foot} cramps like crazy this week!  {which seems odd because I'm drinking so much more water--but it happened about this time with Jordyn too.} 

Belly button in or out: In

What I'm looking forward to: My Gestational Diabetes class today.  Just hearing what they have to say and any tips they have for me. {what I'm not looking forward to...poking my finger FOUR times a day!}

Compare to Baby H Pregnancy at 30 weeks {ugh...that tiny bump!}

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