You changed so much this month! You love to play with your feet, sit in your excersaucer and roll over. At 4 1/2 months you started rolling from back to stomach and now you do it all the time! You still haven't rolled tummy to back, which surprises us since you dislike tummy time so much. And probably the most exciting thing this month, your first 2 [bottom] teeth popped through this month! You've handled teething very well so far. You're drooling more and your stools are more frequent/loose but overall you're still a very happy baby. You do have an Amber Teething Necklace which I think has helped. You also like your Sophia the Giraffe Teether. Along with teething [& drooling!] you blow bubbles, make fishy lips, and rub your tongue over your gums all the time! It's adorable!We also celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day!
We guess you are about 25 in. tall and weigh about 16 pounds now, but wont know for sure until your 6 month appointment. You transitioned to 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers this month.
Your feeding and sleeping schedule haven't really changed this month. You still take a morning, afternoon and evening nap and sleep from 8p to 8a with 8oz. bottles at 4a, 8a, noon, 4p, and 8p. You still haven't tried food, but we'll probably start introducing that no that you're 5 months.

It's hard to believe next month we'll be celebrating your 1/2 birthday already!!
Love you to the moon & back,
Mama and Daddy