Wednesday, April 7, 2021


I'm mentoring a very important person in my life and she asked me to be her accountability partner which got me thinking of my own day.  Here is my 'ideal' daily routine.  This doesn't always happen, but this is kind of how I structure my weekdays.

Mornings | 5:45-12

6-7 || Monday, Wednesday, Friday I workout with some friends up the road.  Tuesday/Thursday I currently sleep in, but would like to start using this time to read the bible, read blogs, and do house chores {laundry, dishes, etc.}

7-8 || Get myself and the kids ready for for the day and drop the kids at school

8-9 || Check/respond to email, check social media for work, chat with the girls at work.

9-12 || Work.  I time block, so this part of my day I'm working on Finance things.

Noon | 12-4

12-1 || Lunch at my desk, run an errand if I have a prescription that needs picked up or something that has to go to the post office.  I always take a few minutes to fill in my 5 year journal and this is when I do my daily bible reading.  If I have any texts/emails/calls that need followed up on I do that here, too {email the school that so and so is picking the kids up from school today, schedule an appointment, chat about carpool or line up a babysitter, etc.}  If I have extra time over lunch I like to blog or work on a jigsaw puzzle {on my phone}

1-3 || Work.  During time block I work on Community Development tasks.

3-4 || This time block is much like my 8-9a.  I wrap up anything that needs to get done before I go home.  Return emails/phone calls.  Chat with my coworkers about evening plans/dinner/etc.  I also plan my next day before I leave.

Nights | 4-11

4-4:30 || Pick up the kids.  This takes so much longer than it should, but it is what it is at this point.

4:30-8 || This obviously varies depending on the day and who has what activities, but it's basically homework, extracurricular activities, dinner of some sort, and reading or games depending on how much free time we have.  

8-9 || Night routine/bed for the kids.  Mondays are Jordyn's night and Thursday's are Cullyn's night.  On these nights the 'other' kid gets tucked into bed by 8:30 and from 8:30-9 they get to do whatever they chose with Adam and I.

9-10:45 || Read or TV for me, YouTube for Adam, or sometimes games or a movie if we're both in the mood.

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