Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

We had a great Thanksgiving, despite having to spend it alone.  Adam and I woke about 6:30 to get ready for the day and start cooking.  Adam made Jack Daniels ham and a turkey breast.  I started some sides and made cinnamon rolls for the kids.  The kids slept in until almost nine, so Adam and I enjoyed moving around the kitchen with music and mimosas while we could.  Jordyn helped me cook all of the sides while watching the live stream of the Macy's Day Parade.  Just as we sat down to eat we got word from a friend that he was coming over to join us.  His daughter lives in Nebraska, so he was solo for the holiday.  It was a great surprise and we were happy he joined us!  We Facetimed with Adam's family as we sat down to lunch and with mine after our post-dinner nap :)  That night we went over to our friend Brooke's house for Friendsgiving.  The turducken the boys' made turned out so good!

Friday morning Jordyn and I picked up my sister and her daughter for a day full of shopping in Des Moines.  Both girls were absolute troopers!  Over 10 hours of shopping and zero complaining!! My 'big purchase' of the day was a new vacuum that I randomly saw on the end of an isle at Target.  Jordyn was excited to get a new 'palette' with her own money ;)

At Target we grabbed some big lights for the Christmas tree, so when we got home we were ready to finally decorate!  We strung the tree with lights like normal, then added the big lights on top.  Sadly, the kids decorated the entire tree and then an hour later, half the lights went out.  Papa is coming to fix it when he gets home from South Carolina!

Saturday morning we got up early for the third day in a row because we had Christmas photos taken an hour and a half from home!  I had originally scheduled these for next Sunday, even got the perfect sunset timeslot, and then realized Adam will be gone hunting that weekend. :(  So we made the 10am spot Saturday work instead.  Here is a sneak peek from the photographer. 

Sunday was full of cleaning, prepping for a full week of school, and lounging.  The kids decorated the other Christmas tree and I watched two Christmas movies {Last Holiday & Love the Coopers} after they went to Grandma's house for a sleepover.  

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