Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Things I'd like to Pursue - House Edition

I'm interested in this because I feel like a decent {not significant, but decent} amount of our trash could be composted.  The investment is minimal, but the learning curve would be fairly significant for me.  I have never done anything like this.  I need to research if we would have a bug/animal problem {especially since we live in the country}, as well as how to actually make it compost {just a detail, I know -- haha!} and what size of container we would need.  The other concern I have is if it will smell.  I know if it stinks, Adam will not be down for this!  Basically, I need to talk to someone that does this and find out the easiest way to make it happen!

I really, really want to do this and think it may be the simplest project of the three!  The hose situation on the 'back' side of our house is sparse, and annoying since it's where the bulk of my flowers are!  We would need probably three of these, so the investment isn't small {not huge either}.  Basically I need to make sure that I can find someone who can 'install' them for me.  I think it's going to involve cutting gutters.  :/  

Solar panels
Ekk!  This is obviously the biggest investment{both in education and money -- to the tune of $25K!!!} but would be must financially beneficial since we plan to live in our current home forever.  Plus, we have the perfect roof for this {since our house sits above the treeline.  I would definitely need to 'sell' Adam on this project.  I know he will want to replace our windows {$50k+!!!} first, so it's probably in our 5 year+ plan.  

Have any of you pursued any of these projects?  I would welcome all of your feedback/expertise!

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