I swear, I tried to take out some of the 309757 photos, but there are still 23098430 in this post...be warned!
Let's start at the beginning. Adam and I went back and forth trying to decide if we wanted to enroll Jordyn in a preschool. Even though she's nearly 3 {what?!}, because she has a late October birthday, we knew she couldn't get into 3 year old preschool. Insert:: Is she old enough? Does she even want to go? Will we overload her? Should we make the time/money commitment/investment? What about logistics? and on and on... So {in July/August} we started calling around to see what programs were available. In our town, most of the programs are held in a center, a church, or the school. Most centers had availability but were all day/all week {super spendy} programs. All of the churches were full, so we added ourselves to the waiting list. And the school program was for 3-5 year olds only. We decided that all day/every day was too much for our 2 year old. We really don't want to burn her out, but we thoughts {mainly because she's one of the oldest kids are her in home daycare} that the social skills where important {sharing, teamwork, following directions, etc.} So we ended up finding a center that would take her on Friday mornings, which works prefect since I have Friday's off.
All that to say a few weeks ago we went to Meet the Teacher Night {we were late to sign up, so we missed Parent's Night}. I know Jordyn does best when we talk about things {a lot} before they happen. She likes to know what to expect {she gets it from her mama}. So she knew what we were doing, and had been to the building before {for gymnastics--which she's decided she would like to start doing again!}.
She was a little hesitant at first, but my the time we left she didn't want to leave. And then she saw the buses in the parking lot and wants to know when she can ride them. :)
The next day {Friday} we dropped Cullyn at Daycare and went to Jordyn's last Art Class of the summer. After that, we went to Target to get all of her supplies. You insisted on carrying {dragging!} all three bags of goodies until we where half way through the parking lot and the the friction wore a hole through them. Your supplies were strung across the {wet!} parking lot. I couldn't help but giggle {you are SO determined!} and you assured me 'but dats otay, mama' :)
Then we shopped for new tennis shoes and a back to school outfit. It was your first time trying on outfits at the store and you were so excited to model each one of them. You proclaimed 'I like dis, let's get it!' and 'dis one is my favorite, mama' for all five of the outfits. We ended up passing on the dresses and instead opted for the pale pink, checkered shirt and adorable skinny jeans with rolled cuffs. You loved shopping and I loved that you still wanted to hold my hand while we did it!
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PSA::If you buy your kid new jeans for school, try to remember to take the sticker off before you take photos of her. #MomFail |
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That night we had a quick 10 minute mini shoot when we dropped you off at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I wanted to make sure I got some photos of you before school and we left the next day for Myles & Ashley's wedding in Mexico and didn't return until late the night before you went to preschool.
To help prepare you for starting preschool, we bought this book and read it a few nights before school. Grandma read it to you the night before you started 2 year old preschool.
Like I said, we got home late, but we got up early to make a owl {Look Who's Going To Preschool today} breakfast of a peanut butter pancake, apple slice wings, banana eyes, and craisin/cherrios details {seen here}
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Grandma Joy, Gram, & Papa happened to be in town! |
Just like I thought, so absolutely rocked it! You were practically running in the door, and very over taking photos for your mama! :) You were a little bit apprehensive when it came time for mama & daddy to leave, but you didn't shed a tear.
Your favorite part was play time and when they gave you a turtle stamp on your hand because you took your first day of school photo.
You rocked it girl. We're so proud of you & can't wait to watch you spread your wings.