Thursday, April 24, 2014
What's Going On
We have been so busy, I've done a terrible job updating this space! I currently have 31 drafts waiting to be finished and published! Since I don't have time for that {obviously!} I'll give a brief rundown
Actually healthy! We've been weaning some of his meds away, so he's down to two pills, once a day! Unfortunately he still thinks he's hungry all.the.time, but knock on wood, he's doing really good.
[Cullyn | 1 Year]
Just turned ONE! {this blog post is one of my top priorities!} I have yet to take his one year photos {sad mama!} because we were rained out, but I'm praying things will fall into place and I can get them taken this weekend! He had his 12 month well check yesterday and is in the 11 percentile for weight....such a little man! But, he's got 12 teeth, he maybe that's why he's been a biting machine the last couple of months! :( I'm totally surprised, but he still isn't walking! He's taking steps {has been for months} but has no desire to walk. Jordyn did at 13 months, so I would imagine he'll start anytime now. {they have been so similar with stats/milestones} Also, he's getting used to the grass. He will pretty unsure the first few times! :)
[Jordyn | 2 1/2 Years]
This little girl turned 2 1/2 yesterday--how is that possible?! I'll do a separate update since her last one was 6 months ago. But long story short, she is too smart for her own good! She's definitely started with the two year old attitude! Luckily, her heart is as big {or bigger} than her mouth! Nothing melts me faster than when she runs up to one of us and gives us a hug or kiss for no reason. :) She's also mainly potty trained. She's started having a few accidents here or there {mainly not wanting to come inside to go!} but she's 95% trained, which is nice. She's also begging for a boat ride now that we've been at the lake more, so I'm excited to see her reaction once she's out on the water. Last year she was just 18-24 months during lake season, so I'm anxious to see if she really remembers what it's like. I'm also curious how swimming lessons are going to go. She hasn't had them since she was 6 months, so I'm a little nervous! They both start class on May 1st. Speaking of May 1st, I've started planning MayDay baskets for the kids to take to friends' :)
Work is pretty crazy {busy} right now, isn't it always?! I have a new boss, and new office, but other than that it's the same. Photography is actually slower right now {only because we're so booked with personal stuff that I can't open any time for sessions--boo!}. Because of personal stuff like I mentioned, we've had an increased need for night sitters. It's amazing how everyone wants to babysit when you have a newborn and a year later you can't beg someone to watch your kid {for money!} Our one and only night sitter is now in a serious relationship and almost 100% sitting. So we tried another girl. She was okay. Great with the kids {which is most important} but just okay in other areas. Okay, that was a rant. On to other things...I've been doing a bit of photography for my 'real' job and it's been fun. They've now hired me for three annual projects which is exciting! :) I've had several people ask for an update on my half marathon progress, working out, classes, weight, etc. so I'll do a separate post on that {someday!}. Life has been insanely crazy, I'm happy to have Easter and Cullyn's party over {not happy that he's already ONE!}, anxious to finalize the details for my sister's bachelorette party {next weekend!}, happy to have had a little me time lately {got my hair and nails done before Cully's party and went to a fundraiser with some girls another night}, excited for our Spring {picnics, park fun, activities for the kids, etc.}
His work is crazy {stressful}, too. He's ridiculously excited {as always!} for lake season. That is definitely his happy place. So I foresee lots of campfires, boating, fishing, golfing, & quality time with friends and family! His need to be social is one of my most favorite {and frustrating!} things about him! :) He has lost almost 30 pounds since January! He is so good about tracking every single thing that goes into his mouth. I would love to get him to do a post about dieting/weight loss/lifestyle changes. I think it would be interesting to see it from a man's perspective since I feel like women are always saying 'I'm watching my weight, counting calories, etc.' so it's normal {& I always feel like we have a support system} but it has to be different when you're with a bunch of guys {think work lunch or social golf outing--not BFFs} and have to pass up a beer because they're 200 calories a pop, or ask for a low-cal menu, etc. Okay, another rant! Anyways he's looking fabulous and most importantly feeling awesome! He's even been suggesting family walks in the evenings which totally makes my heart explode! :) Other than all of that, his band has some fun gigs lined up {balloon festival--my favorite, street dances & bar gigs, and even a gig at the marina near our lake house!}
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