Happy 5 Months Little Man!
I can't believe you're FIVE months already. It's been the quickest 5 months of my life!

Let's start by stating you have almost no schedule. We totally go with the flow now. You like to sleep in {just like your daddy} but you also like to wake us up 2-12 times a night--darn teeth! We give you your binky and you go right back to sleep {thank God!} It's a good thing you're the cutest baby ever {& I know that despite the nights being long the weeks really do go by too fast, so we're trying to treasure each moment we get with you--no matter the time of day/night!} You tend to sleep better when you're swaddled {with your arms out}. You take 2-3 naps a day {depending on our night} and eat four seven-ounce bottles throughout the day.

Although your legs are nothing compared to your sisters at this age, they are getting a little bigger. :) You weigh almost 15lb. 2 oz. You wear size 3 diapers {Luvs or Up & Up} and 0-3, 3 month, & 3-6 month clothes {depending on the brand}

You also moved to your crib {which was a huge deal for mama, but you didn't notice a difference at all!} :) When you wake for your binky around 5am we bring you to bed with us to snuggle until sissy gets up. {You always fall back asleep during this time}.

Let's start by stating you have almost no schedule. We totally go with the flow now. You like to sleep in {just like your daddy} but you also like to wake us up 2-12 times a night--darn teeth! We give you your binky and you go right back to sleep {thank God!} It's a good thing you're the cutest baby ever {& I know that despite the nights being long the weeks really do go by too fast, so we're trying to treasure each moment we get with you--no matter the time of day/night!} You tend to sleep better when you're swaddled {with your arms out}. You take 2-3 naps a day {depending on our night} and eat four seven-ounce bottles throughout the day.

Although your legs are nothing compared to your sisters at this age, they are getting a little bigger. :) You weigh almost 15lb. 2 oz. You wear size 3 diapers {Luvs or Up & Up} and 0-3, 3 month, & 3-6 month clothes {depending on the brand}

You also moved to your crib {which was a huge deal for mama, but you didn't notice a difference at all!} :) When you wake for your binky around 5am we bring you to bed with us to snuggle until sissy gets up. {You always fall back asleep during this time}.

You started rolling over! Both front to back and back to front. You are so strong. You sit up well in your bouncer & bumbo seats.

You're getting so much better in the car now {it must have just been a phase…thankfully!} You are officially addicted to your binky. We wouldn't even think of going anywhere without it {should be interesting in about 7 months!} :/ I assume it's because you've been 'teething' for soooo long! So much drool, but still no teeth. :(
Love you to the moon & back!
Mama and Daddy