WOW! It's 8:47. I'm in bed...totally exhausted with an aching back and throbbing head. Tonight I was a single mom. Just a couple of hours actually. While Adam went to play poker with the boys. And boy oh boy did I get a reality check!
The stove is sizzling over, Murdock keeps nudging be for food, the dryer is buzzing, the baby is crying, my phone is going off, and a sink FULL [if you don't believe me, you didn't see the photo I posted to Twitter last night!] of bottles. Honestly that was all going on at the same time here tonight. Madness!
I didn't get the carpet vacuumed, the bassinet taken down, the laundry done, or our icky microwave cleaned out like I had planned to do tonight. But? I needed this. And Adam did too. It reminded me just how thankful I am to have Adam here to help me every night. To help me divide things up. He cooks..I clean up. I bathe Jordyn...he lotions and dresses her. I pick up and prep for the next day...he feeds our baby her evening bottle.
I need to appreciate him more. When I'm feeling like I do everything to keep this house going...I must remember I have a husband who gets our baby up, dressed, fed and to daycare and our puppy fed, medicated. taken out, and kenneled and himself together all before 8:30am every.single.morning!
I'm SO blessed! Even if my chores will be waiting for me when I leave for work at 4:30a and I get home from work at 4:30p. :)