Time of day: 7:30 am
Distance: 3.10 miles [5k]
Time/Pace: 31:48 (10 min pace)
Location: Diamond Lake - Montezuma, IA
Trail, road, treadmill: Paved trail
Weather: Sunny ☀
Pre run snack: Water
Post run snack: Casey's Donut [followed by a funnel cake @ the parade!] :O
*I think I need to work on this pre/post menu! :)*
Thoughts before running: I was very nervous for my first 5k & I knew going in that there were HILLS!
Thoughts while running: This is absolutely horrible..I quit..followed by this is the last time I will ever run. I was ready to cancel next weekends race..haha!
Thoughts after running: Okay that wasn't so bad! If I can do that 5k I can do any 5k. Why was I being such a baby?!
Any company while running: I knew several people there but ran on my own.
Photos: None...Adam was golfing so I didn't have anyone there to take any...it's okay...I'm sure I looked like death! :)
Don't Forget..to enter my giveaway for a RoadID..ends this Saturday!