Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Skiing 2021


We've had our very best skiing season yet.  

1. We've had a lot of snow
2. Adam works most Saturdays, so I take the kids when he's gone
3. The kids can both ski independently!!

The kids hate pausing for photos, but I just have to make them do it.  I didn't grow up skiing, so it's still a fun, new thing for me!  My kids have been skiing since they were two {a side effect of having a great grandpa that started a ski resort and a great uncle that still owns one} so I always feel the need to remind them that not all kids get to do what they do.  Cullyn has been exceptionally excited to skiing this year because he has a second cousin that is one of his best friends that also knows how to ski well, so we almost always go together.  The almost 2 hour drive each way can get intimidating, but every time we leave I'm thankful we made the time to go -- great memories for sure!

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