So we don’t forget.... 

Today is Tuesday , April 28th 2020
- We are at 42 days of social isolation, we began March 16th.
- Most states have issued a Shelter in Place (Iowa has not done so-same measures of safety in place just no official shelter in place "order")
- The dollar is worth $5.32, the euro $5.77, and the pound $6.54. Gasoline is as low as $1.41 a gallon and crude oil is under $10 a barrel with many oil company shutting down crude production altogether. {was $0.99 in Ankeny last week}
- Schools have been closed since March 16th and are teaching remotely/on-line/voluntary. This will continue for the rest of the school year.
- There are lines/tapes inside the stores on the floors to keep people 6 feet apart.
- Bars and restaurants are open only for takeout, home delivery & pick-up. Alcohol can be ordered and taken out.
- Playgrounds, beaches, hiking trails (open but with social distancing guidelines for Iowa) and walk-in places are not accessible to the public.
- All major and minor league sports competitions have been cancelled as well as kid's sports.
- All festivals and entertainment events have been banned including the summer Olympics.
- Graduations, Weddings, family celebrations and birthdays have been cancelled. Funerals limited to 5-10 people.
- People are doing drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays.
- Young kids can’t understand why they can only see grandparents & other extended family and friends on a screen or thru a window if someone visits in person or on Facetime/Zoom online.
- Handshakes, Hugs and kisses are not exchanged.
- The churches are closed but online attendance is surging.
- We have to stay away from each other; more than six feet.
- Shortage of disposable masks and gloves in hospitals.
- There are fewer ventilators than there should be.
- People all over the world are affected.
- People are wearing masks, some places even REQUIRE that you wear them to enter. Some people still believe this is a hoax. People are even sewing their own cloth masks for sale or donation to medical facilities. In some areas, you MUST wear a mask if you go outside (not in Iowa).
- Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bleach, antibacterial wipes and anything Lysol or Clorox is in short supply and limited per person.... IF you can even find them.
- Meat packing plants are beginning to shut down.
- Stores are closing early to disinfect everything. (24 hour stores are even closing by 9pm)
- Store check outs, pharmacies and even fast food drive thru windows have added plexiglass between the employee and the customer. Have to reach around or under to pay.
- You can't find isopropyl alcohol easily. .. the supply per person is limited.
- Australia, USA, Canada and Europe have closed their borders.
- Western Australia has been divided into 9 territories & an instant $1,500 fine issued for crossing the border without a valid reason. (Transport workers, Essential services etc)
- No one is travelling for leisure. Airports empty. Tourism has the worst crisis in history.
-the post office is in danger of closing. Political discord is rampant.
-Iowa governor trying to open up some counties soon although Catholic bishops are continuing and encouraging on line services to be safe.
Why do I post this?
To serve as a reminder years down the road that life is precious & nothing should be taken for granted. We are where we are with what we have. Let's be grateful.
taken from Facebook