It's been so stinking cold in Iowa the past couple of weeks and it's done a number on my skin! I thought it would be the perfect time to share my lip scrub recipe with you. Jordyn and I made this and gave it to some of the special mama's {caregivers} in our life for Mother's Day, but it would be the perfect little Valentine's Gift for a teacher, sitter, friends, neighbors, etc. Let me know if you make it -- I would love to see what flavor combinations you use! :)
The scrub above is Pomegranate and here's the recipe...
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/2 cap full of flavoring {found here}
3 drops of food coloring - optional! {I used pink}
*You can use any flavoring you want.
Also, we shared them in these little tins
with a handwritten note.
I use lip scrub about 1x per week and follow it up with chapstick, right before bed. :)