Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  I always love this day because it makes me pause to think about all the amazing women my life is filled with.  Of course, my mom and Adam's mom are the ones that stand out most since they've really shaped what motherhood looks like for me.  They're also our go to babysitters! ;)  But I have so many 'mamas' in my tribe, from our sitters to the kids' teachers, to aunts, and friends that get called 'auntie'.  I'm so blessed to have such an amazing village of supporters to help me juggle this thing called motherhood.  May each of you have an amazing day, weather you're a 'real' mama, a step mom, missing your mother, or just praying you get to experience motherhood in the future.  I'm thinking about all of you today! 

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