My littlest sister made it home safely from her Spring Break cruise around the world. It sounds like they had a great time! Sure makes me miss Spring Break!! :( It does get me more excited for our trip to South Padre though.

I'm in love with these [have been for a while]. If you don't munch on them, you should. They are oh so yummy!
Last weekend we watched our Godson and his two pups which was a great time. He just turned one, so it was fun to see what we'll be working with soon! I love that he's just a bit older than J, so he goes through everything first! :) We also watched my sister's dog, making the doggie count FOUR. And yes, 3 of the 4 dogs slept with us, someday my husband will be able to say no! :) So 2 kids and 4 dogs in our condo...we really need a house! :)
Also last weekend Adam tore out the bathroom walls at the lakehouse in preparation for the bathroom remodel and excavated some of the yard so we can lay landscaping blocks this weekend. And for all of you that keep begging me for photos of the lakehouse you can find the inside here and the outside here. I'm hoping to post some of our remodeling projects soon

I finally joined the other 318567 billion people and bought a Kindle! :) PJ [pre Jordyn] I read a lot of books and it just would have been to expensive to buy them all for the kindle [instead of going to the library] but now that I only read a book or so each month, it's perfect! Just in time before our vaca! :)
Other than that it's been pretty quiet around our house. I've been editing photos. I finally finished my Maternity Photobook! Adam's been working and resting up for another weekend full of work at the lakehouse. Jordyn's been mastering her rolling over skills. She's been doing that for about a week now. She rolls back to belly, but won't even attempt belly to back. Murdock has been dare I say getting better! So pray he continues to do well with the decline in medication!
That's all that I can think of. I'm tired. This rain makes me want to snuggle back into bed. And this teething stuff may be harder on parents than it is the kids. Ok, I know that's not true, but we aren't used to her waking in the night! Oh, one last thing. We bought an Amber teething necklace for her. Loved it, worked awesome...for all of 4 hours! Then somewhere between taking it off for her nap and putting it back on when she woke up, the screw latch thingy disappeared. So, we're without a teething necklace and cannot wait for the new one to arrive!!!
Okay, that's it for real! Happy hump day...hope you're all enjoying the 70-80* weather that we've had for the past 3 weeks!