To my sweet husband on your 30th Birthday..
I Love..
..your smile
..your willingness to help
..your muscles
..your intelligence
..your eyes
..your attitude
..your soft heart
..your way with the grill
..your relationship with your family
..your humor
..your ability to adapt to my family
..your voice
..your gift to take things lightly
..your willingness to provide
..your cooking talent
..your parenting skills with Murdock
..your eagerness for handyman projects
..your tender touch
..your enthusiasm for playing games
..your patience with me
..your desire to please
..your way with kids
..your love for sports
..your passion for reading
..your dedication to your job
..your itching need to start a family
..your appreciation for wine
..your growing love to travel
..your relationship with me

Happy Birthday to the perfect man for me! I am so honored to be your wife. Thank you for being you! I hope you have a wonderful 30th birthday!!