Wednesday, March 31, 2021



+Explore High Interest Savings Options.  I transferred both of the kids' savings to a High Interest Savings account {from a .1% account to .61%}
Take a Walk Every Day.  Not perfect, but I walked or worked out over half of the days, which is great progress compared to what I was doing and given the weather we had this month!  
+ Order a Light for the Stairwell.  Check!  Now I just need to find someone to install it for me!
Host a Moms Monday/Happy Hour in the Hot Tub.  Check!  Hoping to make this a monthly thing -- such a great time!!
Enjoy a Family Dinner.  Check!   We had dinner in the igloo which was so fun, and we also went bowling as a family!
Go on a Date.  Check!  x2!  We listened to live music and two weeks later we went on a triple dinner date!

Make 2020 Photobook  Nope.  But, I actually thought about it this month, so that's progress!!

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5 Year Travel Plan

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