Monday, December 14, 2020

Weekend Recap

It's been a while since I've done a weekend recap, so I thought I would do one this morning.  Friday will always be the beginning of my weekend {even if I have to work Friday's now!} 

The morning was normal, a rush to get as much wrapped up at work as I can before the weekend.  I took a long lunch because I was invited to a friend's Christmas lunch that I didn't want to miss.  She always has the most festive house and gathers a group of women I don't get to see as often as I wish.  She gave a beautiful message on hope and peace, which I've thought back on several times already.  After lunch I returned to work for a bit before I had to take Cullyn to the dentist for a cleaning {much better than last December when he had to get four fillings!}  After the dentist we ran to the store so he could shop for Jordyn's Christmas gift from him.  That night we watched Safety which was so great! 

Saturday morning we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow!  Adam left for an appointment since he had to work.  The kids and I shoveled the entire driveway while waiting for a road report from Adam.  Seventeen cars and 2 semis in the ditch, so we opted to stay home and go skiing another time {ironic that the fresh snow is what kept us from skiing, I know}.  We drank cocoa, wrote letters to Santa, and watched Christmas movies while we waited for Adam to return home.  The rest of the day we lounged!  Adam made potato soup and we picked his parents up to go look at a Christmas light display that is synced to music. 

Sunday was pretty chill again.  We finally opened a TV I bought on Black Friday and Adam hung new curtains in Jordyn's room.  Other than that it was laundry, a bubble bath, nail painting, present wrapping, and a failed attempt at cookies before Jordyn and I headed to church for a craft night and the boys played PS4 together.   

I read an entire book and didn't leave the house for almost 40 hours, so it was good weekend in my book!  What did you do this weekend?  

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