I have been blessed to truly see this time as a reset for our family. I haven't taken one moment for granted. And although I am still going to work as normal, just having every evening free as granted me so much time & I'm determined not to waste it.
We've used this time to
+ watch more family movies {from this list & also so classics from my childhood} Also, the kids want me to make sure I let you know 10 out of 10 do NOT recommend 'My Life As A Zucchini' It was so, so bad!
+ teach the kids to type {thanks to the website TypingClub.com}
+ let the kids help more in the kitchen
+ play alll the games {Kings in the corner, Racko, Battleship, Guess Who, Skip-Bo, Candyland, Trouble...}
+ connect with friends & family over Facetime/MarcoPolo/Facebook Messenger for Kids
+ play with toys we never touch
+ scale back our spending {from cable, to gas, to dining & entertainment, to xm radio and more}
+ have LEGO challenges & bracelet making marathons
+ show the kids how to address and mail a letter
+ catch up on so many photobooks {1/2 way caught up!}
+ play outside more {walking, scootering, fishing, jumping, shuffleboarding, hooping, etc.}
+ improve our drawing skills {thanks to ArtHubForKids on YouTube}
+ read sooo many books! {the kids are averaging 3 chapter books a week, I'm averaging 5 -- thanks so audiobooks and the kitchen cabinet project that seems to go on and on!}
+ catch up on house projects {back yard tiling, kitchen cabinets, fixing a smoke detector, etc.}
+ clean out/purge all the closets
+ sleep in! {& take naps on the weekends}
+ watch church in our PJs & sing like we're all alone ;)
I pray no matter what you're going through right now, you remember it's just a season and the time we have been given to spend at home with our family is truly a gift. Pretty soon life will be running at full speed again and we will miss this downtime.