Thursday, April 13, 2023

Everyday Happies

I saw Shay post her list and decided to make my own list of things that bring me extra joy in my everyday life.

1: Waking up, scrolling my phone for a bit, and going back to sleep for a while before getting up

2: A comfy chair and a good book

3: Sitting outside early in the morning with a mimosa to soak in the good weather or in front of the fireplace if it's chilly

4: Having fresh flowers in the house

5: Lighting a seasonal candle

6: The feeling after a good workout

7: New books/a good audiobook

8: Open windows {natural light in general}

9: NEST hand soap and a fluffy hand towel

10: Being barefoot

11: Music -- live, or something light playing over the house speakers 

12: Listening to a podcast or audiobook while doing house chores {laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc.} feels so luxurious and productive at the same time! 

13: 30 minutes in the massage chair

14: Getting into bed -- especially with freshly laundered sheets 

15: Sitting down with a cold can of Mtn. Dew and a magazine 

16: Dinner on the patio 

17: Cozy blankets and/or oversized hoodies

18: Patio lights

19: Seeing flowers bloom/grow

20: Colorful Paper Mate Flair markers always

21: A tidy house

22: Doing a puzzle

23: Watching/listening to the kids play outside 

24: A soak in the hot tub with Adam after the kids go to bed

25: Sipping a Shirley Ginger

These are just a few things I like to add into my daily life to bring a little extra joy.  
How you add little bits of joy into your days?

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