Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 Top 12


1. Best purchase this year.  My Tahoe -- why did we wait so long?!

2. Best binge-worthy show this year. I loved Bloodline since we went to the FL Keys this year, but most memorable would go to Tiger King!

3. Best place visited this year. Utah -- what a hidden gem!

4. A new friend you made this year.  My friend Hannah!  I'm anxiously waiting for them to sell their house and move to the lake full time.  Her and her husband are so fun and Cullyn just loves their boys!

5. An unexpected surprise this year. So much time as a family

6. Favorite song you heard this year. Bang by AJR is constantly playing at our house 

7. Day this past year you'd live over and over.  Every day of our RV trip!

8. Best holiday memory this year.  Drive In Easter church service.

9. Best movie of the year.  Hamilton or Safety {kids}

10. Something new this year. We bought a pontoon this fall!

11. Most excited for next year.  We're going on a vacation with both families!

12. Best lesson learned this year.  Every day is a gift and God has our plan, not us!  This year was full of 'unimaginables'!  I never expected the kids will be learning from home, I never thought the world would shut down like it did, I never imagined we would be doing so many things virtually and yet we've made it through it all.  I pray that you're all filled with Hope and Peace as we go into 2021!

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