Monday, August 24, 2020

Kid Chores

We've had several different systems throughout the years {chore charts, 'heart charts', bribery, you name it} but ultimately for our life, I find it simplest to simply say 'I'm cleaning today and I need your help'.  I usually write a list of what needs done in a notebook and we all just pick a chore to tackle, cross it off when it's done, and pick another one until the list is complete.  Nothing fancy, but it helps them to see that we're a team -- we all make the messes and we all clean them up.  I am not a maid & I'm determined to raise capable children!

This is a list of common chores our kids do.  They're 7 & 8 now, but have been doing most of these things since kindergarten, and some toddlerhood.  Bold are daily tasks they're just expected to do -- I sometimes remind them.

  • Feed Lola
  • Take Lola out
  • Help put groceries away
  • Wipe down counters & appliances in the kitchen
  • Empty small trashcans
  • Restock toilet paper in the bathrooms
  • Wipe down their bathroom sink & counter
  • Scrub toilets
  • Empty the dishwasher
  • Vacuum
  • Wipe down the baseboards
  • Fold laundry -- they always fold their own laundry
  • Put their laundry away
  • Bring in packages from the doorstep
  • Clean out the car
  • Water flowers
  • Help pull weeds
  • Pick up sticks
  • Bring in trashcans from the driveway
We're working on other life skills like cooking and washing/drying clothes, but only with parent supervision.  What other chores could they be doing?  I'm always curious what things other parents are teaching their children.

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