Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Back to School Breakfast

Yesterday was Jordyn's first day of 3rd grade and Cullyn's first day of 2nd grade.  Their first day back to school since March 13.  Jordyn couldn't have been more excited while Cullyn was only happy about seeing his friends.  
I threw together some quick breakfast foods so we could sit down and chat before the school day started.  
It seems fitting that 2020 was the end of the annual 'Boo Hoo Brunch' with my friends after school drop off.  Feeling more thankful than ever for teachers and praying for a safe year for all.

In an effort to make you all feel better about your parenting, I would like to let you know that I forgot to pick my kids up from school ON THE FIRST DAY!!  How that even happen?  Seriously you guys, the school had to call me on asking who was supposed to pick the kids up!  Sigh.

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