Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Weekend 2020

If you saw all of this on Instagram already, I apologize.  We had the best weekend, so I must recap it here as well.  When our family trip to Nashville was cancelled {thanks Covid}, my sister, her husband, and their daughter decided to come to spend the weekend with us.  So, I made a little plan for the weekend.

And then watched the forecast turn to rain every day.  :(  But luckily, most of the rain came each night, so we continued as planned through the day.  Plus my sister showed up with red, white, & blue everything -- hats, shirts, balloons, paper products, etc.  We were determined to enjoy every minute of this weekend.  Boat rides, swimming, Ranger/JEEP/4 wheeler rides, s'mores, lunch at the marina, and all the red, white, & blue food you can imagine.  We started working through our Summer Bucket List and found our days filled with fun activities like eating Breakfast on the Boat, making Donuts in the Driveway, and spending the entire day on the water.

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