Thursday, April 2, 2020

Survival School

I was talking with a group of friends {over a video app} and my friend Tess said it best when she said we're 'Survival-Schooling'  She's absolutely right.  I'm not homeschooling my kids and can't even pretend I am.  I'm working full time and just trying to keep them busy enough that they aren't fighting with each other.  My goal during this time is to keep them from regressing too much and keep them happy and active.  That being said, several of you have reached out asking about our curriculum.  Since I have no curriculum, here is the 'schedule' we go by each day.  Again, I'm not 'teaching' them anything during this time.  Simply reviewing things they already know. 

The only 'new' content we're covering is how to
+ follow simple recipes {EasyMac, energy bites, hot dogs, etc. independently + help us w/ real recipes}
+ start the dishwasher & washing machine independently {they're almost 7 & 8}
+ address and mail and envelope
+ type correctly {thanks}
+ play shuffleboard :)

Other than that, we're giving a lot of grace.

I will also add that my kids got a laptop for Christmas that they have always used for educational games/website {Prodigy, iReady, etc.} that they still play whenever -- we don't restrict use on that.  {the benefit of not having YouTube on it!!}

Also, we end up doing 'homeschool' page above about 3-4 days a week.  One or two days a week they end up working on a project with Adam, playing at their grandmas {we have been quarantining with them}, or just playing outside all day.  As long is they are playing nicely together, I'm perfectly happy with only doing 'school' 3 days a week.  Again, my goal isn't to advance them, but simply keep them from regressing.  

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