The only 'new' content we're covering is how to
+ follow simple recipes {EasyMac, energy bites, hot dogs, etc. independently + help us w/ real recipes}
+ start the dishwasher & washing machine independently {they're almost 7 & 8}
+ address and mail and envelope
+ type correctly {thanks}
+ play shuffleboard :)
Other than that, we're giving a lot of grace.
I will also add that my kids got a laptop for Christmas that they have always used for educational games/website {Prodigy, iReady, etc.} that they still play whenever -- we don't restrict use on that. {the benefit of not having YouTube on it!!}
Also, we end up doing 'homeschool' page above about 3-4 days a week. One or two days a week they end up working on a project with Adam, playing at their grandmas {we have been quarantining with them}, or just playing outside all day. As long is they are playing nicely together, I'm perfectly happy with only doing 'school' 3 days a week. Again, my goal isn't to advance them, but simply keep them from regressing.