Cook more dinners & meal plan weekly - Still not a ton, but definitely more!
Finish Jordyn & Cullyn's baby books {18mo-6/7yrs} -- Didn't even start! UGH!! Definitely making this a priority in 2020!
Make a life journal - Check!
Monthly dates with Adam - Terrible! We didn't have any sitters and Adam was working crazy hours. I think we've got a plan for 2020! :)
Paint kitchen cabinets - Didn't start this either. BUT, I do still want to do it, so I'm keeping it on the 2020 list!
Read the bible to the kids - We didn't finish the entire bible, but we made progress.
{Re}learn the Books of the Bible song - Fail! I just can't remember the song {from childhood} and can't find it anywhere online to even start memorizing it. :(
{Re}learn the Books of the Bible song - Fail! I just can't remember the song {from childhood} and can't find it anywhere online to even start memorizing it. :(
Send more paper mail - This is the one I'm most disappointed about. I did send more than I have previously, but I'm keeping this on the list for next year. I hope to send something via snail mail every week in 2020.
Start 'Self-care Sundays' - I started off good and lost steam part way through the year. That being said, I do think I've incorporated more self-care into my daily habits, so I think I'm doing okay.
Take Lola on more walks - No, and I just have to come to grips with the fact that she does not walk well on a leash. I took her on a few walks and she nearly pulled my shoulder out of the socket once and pulled me to a belly flop another time, so I don't plan on keeping this on the list for next year.
11/19 - 58%
With both of us starting new jobs and all of transitioning to Adam's new work schedule, I'll take it. goal set for 2020!