Thursday, December 13, 2018

My Little Wrestler

I never in a million years thought I would actually enjoy watching my son wrestle, but I must admit, the first meet sucked me in!  It's so incredible to see how much Cullyn has learned in four short practices -- not sure technique of the sport, but how to work harder, focus, and take feedback.

I didn't expect much this year.  Honestly, if I stayed on the mat and wrestled I would have considered that a win.  He won his first match, fought super hard his second match, and was very tired by his third match -- haha!  He ended up in 3rd place and he couldn't have been more proud.  We signed him up for a second tournament this year {January} so we will see if he still loves it after that.

*Noteworthy -- I am new to this and didn't know that they pair the kids up according to the weight you list on the form.  I just guessed {turns out I guessed Jordyn's weight, not Cullyn's} thinking they went according to weigh in {what's the point if they don't use it, but whatever!} and he was paired up with other 43 pounders instead of 37 {whoops!}.  Lesson learned! ;)

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