We hoped the getting
tubes would help the sleep situation, but unfortunately you still wake 2-5
times a night. You just aren’t a good
sleeper. Sometimes we can pat your
bottom or rock you back to sleep, other times we feed you 1-8 ounces. You’re just so unpredictable. I’m trying really hard to cherish these
snuggly moments because I know they’ll be gone soon.
You eat about four, eight-ounce
bottles throughout the day. Unfortunately you don’t eat the full bottle in
one sitting, you kind of graze all day.
:/ We tried baby food, but you
just don’t seem very interested, so we are trying the Baby Led Weaning
approach. We dice things up real small,
and you feed yourself. You’ve had
avacados, puffs, peaches, pears, fruit bars, green beans, pees, and cheerios.
You're in size 3
diapers, size 6 month onesies, and 6 or 6-9 month clothes. You
weigh about 17 pounds.
You’re pulling
yourself up and crawling to everything now.
You can no longer be trusted by stairs or the dog food bowls! Anything you find on the floor goes directly
into your mouth. You love to eat paper! :)
Three more teeth {on
the top} broke through this month. And
the bottom two are fully in now. You are
constantly teething.
More firsts…you got
tubes and your ears have been perfect since.
You celebrated your first Thanksgiving and lots of pre-Christmas

Love you so much Cully!!
C::1 Month | C::2 Months | C::3 Months | C::4 Months | C::5 Months | C::6 Months | C::7 Months

Love you so much Cully!!
C::1 Month | C::2 Months | C::3 Months | C::4 Months | C::5 Months | C::6 Months | C::7 Months