Air travel right now is bananas! So, I’ve put together a few tips I use to make things go as smoothly as possible…
Confirm your personal information as soon as you get it
spelling of name, destination, dates, etc. Changes should be made within the first 24 hours.
Don’t check a bag
If I can do it, you can do it – I promise!
If you are checking a bag
Write your full name and phone number inside your luggage.
Put an AirTag or Tile in for tracking purposes.
Tie a colorful ribbon or scarf around your bag to more easily identify it.
Speaking of luggage, invest in a good roller bag, preferably not black if possible
My personal favorite –
Arrive early
Much earlier than previously – 2+ hours for domestic flights & 3+ hours for international flights.
Get TSA PreCheck or Global Entry
This will usually get you through security much faster and with less hassle.
Don’t book the last flight of the day if possible
And try to book 3+ hour layovers if a terminal/airline change is needed.
Be flexible {& KIND!}
If you need to be somewhere {a wedding, a cruise departure, etc} I recommend flying in a day {or 2!} early. If your flights go well, you will get extra time to explore or relax!