Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Menu

Thanksgiving looks a bit different for us this year.  We'll be preparing our first Thanksgiving meal ever, just the four of us.  Although I would always chose to celebrate Thanksgiving with family, I'm a little excited to make our own Thanksgiving.  We sat down with the kids a picked our 'must haves'

Bread dabs, turkey, and Jack Daniel's ham per my request.  Green bean casserole, stuffing, and cheesecake for Adam.  Oreo fluff for our picky daughter & shirley temples for our son.  

I pretty much only own the Magnolia cookbooks, so almost every recipe is coming from those -- green bean casserole, scalloped potatoes, cheesecake, & chocolate chip cookies.  Stuffing will come from a box -- Adam prefers Stove Top. ;)  Instagram friends let me know I'm the only person that knows what bread dabs are, so I'll explain.  Thaw a loaf of Rhoades bread & let rise.  Pull pieces apart and fry them in oil.  Dip in syrup & enjoy!

Whatever you're doing this year, I hope you get to enjoy a good meal with someone you love.  & maybe a nap! ;)

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