Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Elevator Upgrade

So the cat is out of the bag, our house has an elevator.  It's not something we really talk about, although it's really not a big deal.  My best friend as a little girl had an elevator in her house, so maybe I'm just used to it.  However, I have realized since living here just how many people are fearful of elevators!

At any rate, ours was showing some wear from the traffic and I wasn't in love with the goldish color, so my mother in law and painted and wall papered it.  I used the same wallpaper as I did in the bathroom.  The trim and ceiling are also the same colors at the bathroom {walls are Sherwin Williams Realist Beige and ceiling is Sherwin Williams Indigo}  I also removed the handrail as we don't really have a need for it {we really only used it as a shelf for junk!} and added a little stool because sometimes it's nice for the kids to have a place to sit {it's a sloooooow ride! ;}

*And yes, I realize I'm privileged to be a white girl writing about her home with an elevator in a time where the world is determined to be mad about everything.  I have many thoughts on this, but for today I'm just too tired to think about how someone else thinks I should be reacting.  Good athletes who happen to be black don't feel bad for being a good athlete, so this white girl who works her tail off isn't going to feel bad for working for a nice home.  Choose love, show love, give grace & be thankful.

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