Sunday, May 31, 2020


Painted Counters.  Check
Take 3 walks a week.  Check -- bonus that I finally found a leash that works to take Lola with me!
Pay off the CarCheck!  Bonus that we were able to pay off a personal loan to Adam's parents from before I even met Adam {over 10 years ago!}
+ Take a bath weekly.  Technically I only took two baths, but I also got a madi/pedi so I'll count it as a win!
Take a walk with friends.  Check! 
Host Mother's Day.  Check! Another year we got to host both of our moms.  I always feel so grateful since I know many kids who are no longer able to do this.  

+2013 Photobook.  Ugh!  I have no excuse for this!  Except maybe burnout.  But I WILL finish this.

6/7 -- pretty good.  Although it would have felt so good if I could have checked all 7 off!

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