Thursday, January 31, 2019

GOALS Check Up | January

Here are my January goals...

HOME | Paint Upstairs Doors White
Progress.  2 of the 6 doors are complete.  In my defense, Adam was gone and I can't lift the doors so I was constantly at the mercy of friends coming over to flip them for me.  A huge pain, but I'm determined to get them done in February.  On the plus side, even with just 2 done, it's looking so much better!

HEALTH | Schedule Annual Appointments
This was a win.  I scheduled dental and eye appointments for the kids and I.  The ENT, pediatrician, and gynecologist aren't booking out that far yet. I will add this to my schedule in 3 months to see if anything else needs booked.

FINANCIAL | Discuss all Amazon Purchases with Adam
Success!  Not only did I consult with Adam before every purchase, I feel like I cut back on spending overall this month.  I'm trying hard to make sure it's a need instead of just a want.

ME TIME | Go to the Rachel Hollis Movie
Check!  I saw Made for More back in August when it first came out, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it with friends when asked.  What better way to start the new year! :)  Bonus that we got dinner at Flavory Bistro before.

SOCIAL | Dinner w/ Friends
I had the most delicious dinner at RoCA to celebrate Alicia's Birthday!  Sadly, Adam was traveling for work, so I had to go solo, but it was worth it.  Such a fun night, even if I didn't get to bed until 1a!

FAMILY | Minneapolis weekend
I am SO incredibly sad this didn't happen.  I was looking forward to taking the kids back to the ice castles in Minnesota since we went 2 years ago!  Sadly we got a huge snowstorm {over 2 feet of snow!} on the weekend we had tickets.  I'm still hopefully will will get back, but I'm not sure when that will be.  On a positive note, we did go to A Dogs Way Home, spends lots of time outside in the snow, and had an epic Nerf gun fight.

DREAM BIG | Create a Will
Hands down the biggest win of the month!  After 8 years of transferring this from to do list to to do list, we finally completed our will!  It was a 15 minute phone call with the lawyer and a 15 minute meeting.  SO painless and it feels amazing to finally have it done!

I feel like I killed my January goals!  Hopefully February will go just as well! :)

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