Tuesday, July 31, 2018


RAGBRAI, for those of you who aren't familiar, is a week long bike ride across Iowa.  It technically stands for Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. There is a new route each year, starting somewhere in Western Iowa and ending in Eastern Iowa.  It's a fun race, not a competition.  Bikers of all adult ages and skill levels participate in the week of fun.  Every night there is a 'host' town where all the riders camp {or stay with friends}, party, rest, etc.

This is the second time Adam's band has been asked to play, so I took the kids for the early part of the night.   

The next day RAGBRAI came right through our little town.  I had the day off {had to get my car repaired from a little snafu} so the kids and I headed to check it out for a bit. The weather was perfect for biking this year {some years it's been in the 100's, others pouring, etc.}  I rode one day with my sisters in 2015, but I'm getting the itch to try to ride the entire thing sometime...

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