All the Easter photos in one, so bear with me!

A couple weeks before Easter, we tried the shaving cream method of dying eggs. The kids loved it.
Also new this year, we finally got Resurrection Eggs
. If you don't have a set yet, these are perfect for elementary and preschool aged children to learn the real meaning of Easter. I snagged a set from Hobby Lobby at 40% off, but they also sell them on Amazon. Worth every cent! This kids know the Easter story enough to recite well to others -- way better than I did until I was confirmed {in 7th grade!!}
Easter weekend we made Resurrection Rolls -- another huge hit for the kids. We also woke up to baskets and went to church on Easter morning followed by lunch with Adam's family. The highlight of the day was the Easter egg hunt put on by the mother in law -- she always finds the cutest activities to do with the kids.