Monday, March 19, 2018
Evening Skincare Routine
When I turned 30, I vowed I would start taking better care of my skin, my face in particular. Given the fact I wasn't going anything aside from the rare facewashing when I had a breakout, anything would be an improvement. It's a taken a bit of time, and even more money, but I've finally found my favorite products, so I thought I would share my evening skincare routine with you in case you're looking for a product to replace something that is no longer working for you, or maybe you're like me and just aren't sure where to start. I'm not beauty expert -- I hear there are lots of those on YouTube these days, so maybe look there if you're looking for a guru. In the next couple of years, I'm hoping to transition to more 'green' products, but this is what I'm loving {& more importantly what's working} right now.
Eye Makeup Remover | I can't believe I ever used eye makeup remover. This stuff works so well. I love the way it melts from solid to liquid when you grab it. Notes...any coconut oil would work, this is a huge container so I put a chunk of it in a little glass jar with a lid, lastly, I little goes a long way! :)
Face Wash | This was my one and only skin product at 30. I've used it since high school and I LOVE it! It's not all natural, but I love the tightness I get from the alcohol in it.
Evening Toner | I just found this product when I was getting a makeover before Adam's Christmas party this year. She used it and my skin felt so, so soft! Amazing!
Night Moisturizer | I use one or the other usually. Sometimes if my face feels super dry I'll mix them together and use both, but they're pretty similar. I bought both to see which was better, but I like them both equally. This and the eye makeup remover are my start to use more natural beauty products.
Eye Cream | I had been using the one from Rodan & Fields, but this was sent to me to review {months ago -- this has nothing to do with the post!} and I actually find this one more effective, and less money!
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