Tuesday, March 13, 2018
2 Products to Replace Lotion {forever!}
I've recently sworn to never buy lotion for myself again. Truth be told lotions never really worked on my skin anyways. My legs always resembled the skin of a lizard. It helps when I'm really diligent about drinking water, but I'm not always good at this after the month of January {for real!}.
The two products I found that actually work on my dry skin?
Perfectly Posh Coconut Oil | I started using this a couple of years ago when I got suckered into going to an event with a bunch of vendors and guilted myself into buying something. It took me a long time to use it, in fact I had to ask how to use it because it's solid, but has a lotion lid. For those of you who may not know, you put the closed container in the bottom of the shower and by the time you're done it's liquified and you can rub it all over your body. I can't tell you enough how well this works! In full disclosure, I'm sure any coconut oil would work, I just really like this one. I can't remember what it cost & you have to get it from a rep, but it lasts forever!
Herbacin Hand Cream | It's the only thing that actually works on my dry Iowa hands in the winter. It's only $3.50, but I wish it came in larger vessels. 1000x more effective than anything you'll find a Bath & Body Works, Victoria's Secret, etc.
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