I'm not sure the technical way to determine success, but I'm definitely marking 2010 down for it. The year wasn't without any trials, but if going on strike and scaling back our friend list was the only major change I would say we were pretty blessed!
Looking back we had hundreds more amazing memories than ugly ones. In {January} I started this blog, going from zero followers to almost 200! Gaining gobs of friends! {February} we celebrated our 3rd Valentine's Day together at my most favorite local restaurant and took four of our six nieces and nephews to a hotel & waterpark in Omaha, NE that I apparently didn't blog about so here... 

{March} brought lots of ski trips and even in impromptu trip to Kansas City. In {April} we took the plunge and purchased our first SUV. In {May} we celebrated Memorial weekend with one of many pool parties which I also failed to blog about..here
Here is your proof... My baby sis turned 19 in {June} and we celebrated my parents 25th Anniversary! {July} I ran my first 5k & the Midnight Madness 5k with my sisters right before my middle sis turned 22! I turned 24 in {August} and switched jobs. I surprised Adam with a trip to Las Vegas on Labor Day weekend and Adam turned 30!! in {September}. In {October} we discovered Hamilton Loomis and celebrated our 1st year of marriage in Mexico!! I saw the Rockettes and joined Twitter in {November}. And last but not least {December} brought a trip to Chicago with my mama, Blue Man Group, Wicked, and Mannheim Steamroller performances. I shall call 2010 the year of LIVE PERFORMANCES!
This list doesn't even touch the memories we have made. So many fun times with friends & family...my grandparents 50th Anniversary, Weddings we attended, Holidays we shared, Birthday parties, and even the survival of our 1st year of marriage!
Thank you so much for joining me in this journey. This blog is one of my favorite passions! I can't wait to get 2011 started...I already know it's going to be great!
[I'll post about our NYE celebration & maybe even Christmas soon...for now here are my 2011 resolutions!...It's okay to laugh...I had a 20% success rate last year!]